(The Continuing) Continuing Saga

My pantry is on my mind, so I guess we’re rehashing that today. A couple things happened this weekend that could be classified as “lightbulb moments” (or “Connection!” as Johanna liked to say in kindergarten): Canned items last a long time on the shelf, and I am not cut out for any marathons.

Let me explain that last one: I realized Sunday afternoon that my weeks go a lot like my weekends — I wake up Saturdays and Sundays ready to go, so I jump right in and about four hours later, I’m totally burned out. During the week, I start with an optimistic list of tasks I’d like to accomplish after work (everything from vacuuming to reading), but by Thursday, I’m stressed out and done, so instead I just zone out on my iPad and let everything fall apart.


After my organizational extravaganza. I told you it was pretty.

To go back to my first thought, because linear expression is highly overrated, this weekend I went through my pantry and wrote down EVERY SINGLE ITEM that was in there, as well as all expiration dates. I discovered I have four cans of pumpkin and two cans of evaporated milk, a dozen (rather gorgeous, not bragging if it’s true) jars of my  home-canned tomatoes, and more jam than I care to acknowledge. I’ve also got two tubs of organic shortening — must have been a sale — and four boxes of organic mac and cheese. And a bag of chocolate chips, plus the odds and ends like tomato paste, tuna fish, dried beans (local!), canned refried beans and a Tony’s chocolate bar I’ve been hoarding.

I put everything on my kitchen table, cataloged it, and then put it all back according to type. On the upside, my pantry looks freaking awesome right now. On another upside, Eric calmed me down by saying that THAT is what a pantry is for — to make sure we have items on hand for both emergencies and daily life. I’d been feeling a little ill at the sight of all that food … all that money that I’ve spent with zero thought or plan. Most of it isn’t in any danger of expiring, but some of it will need to be used in the next few months.

I’d planned to catalog the freezer too, but at that point I wasn’t feeling up to it. That’s about the time I realized I suck at pacing myself. I did poke around in there a little, though, and found a few interesting items, like dried plums I can use in my weekly granola bar and a bag of dried chives Eric clipped from the garden last spring.

Based on the contents of my pantry and the fact I had the foresight to pick up a carton of ricotta, I made a huge lasagna (actually, a lasagna AND a back up lasagna), which knocked off some pasta, two jars of my tomatoes, a can of tomato sauce and a can of tomato paste, as well as some venison from the freezer (I very rarely make meat lasagnas, so that’s a little weird, but I was on a mission to Use Stuff Up). I’d made a quiche for Saturday (one homemade frozen pie crust and some frozen leftover chicken down!), so I put the rest of that in one of my new Pyrex containers and into the freezer for when the lasagna runs out … noticing Eric had also put the remainder of my enchilada stack thing from Thursday in there too. So I’ve got dinners nailed for this week is what I’m saying. I’ll save the backup lasagna for Truly Desperate Times, which should hit approximately next Thursday.

This is probably too much to say on the subject, but I can’t let it go. It astounds me that, as a minimalist with all the lessons I’ve learned, I’m still hung up on this.

P.S. I am a cat person, and I will fight anyone who says dogs are better. Um, but have you seen the Thoughts of Dog Twitter feed? You guys, it is absolutely darling and wonderful and amazing. It never fails to make me smile. It almost makes me want to get a dog. To give you an example:

i had a long talk. with my fren. about how to spot. a fake ball throw. the optimal strategy. is to follow the ball. with your eyes. instead of your heart

Anyway, if you need a lift, I highly recommend this one. You’re welcome. The end.